Fall/Winter Choosing Health!® Rally
October 18, 2011
5:00 - 9:00 pm
Union Missionary Baptist Church, Lansing, MI
News Coverage
Choose Health: Lansing rally touts benefits of better eating, exercise
Lansing State Journal, October 24, 2011
Dozier: 'Choosing Health' rally set for Oct. 18
Lansing State Journal, October 11, 2011
WKAR Public Service Announcement
Choosing Health! ® Rally, October 18, 2011
About the Rally
The first Choosing Health!® Rally was a community-wide rally to launch the Choosing Health!® movement. This movement addresses the obesity and inactivity issues in the tri-county area by creating a culture of healthy lifestyles that connects people to the full range of great health and wellness programs and resources that exist in this community to help folks who are Choosing Health!®.
Highlights of the event included testimonials from community members who have adopted healthier lifestyles, displays from community resources available to enable Choosing Health!®, “A Taste of Health” with free samples from area restaurants and caterers displaying their healthy offerings, presentations by pediatrician Dr. Stacy Leatherwood Cannon on raising healthy children, and dynamo national PBS nutrition leader Zonya Foco, RD, who gave a motivational and entertaining message on habits for healthy living. Attendees had chances to win great Door Prizes in free raffles.